People ask how have I been able to write 35 + novels and 2 nonfiction books while raising 3 sons, numerous big dogs, a wolf, several peculiar cats and keeping a marriage going for 50 years, give or take? I don't know how all that happened, but here are some WRITING TIPS I've accumulated or tried: FAUX RULES for _____________( fill in the blank) for my purposes here, I'm going to say Writing a Book, but it can work for anything creative. Or just about anything you want or need to do, especially if you procrastinate a lot. 1. Lead an extraordinary life so you can write what you know. 2. Take a walk or other exercise to prime your muscles. 3. Take a shower or run in the rain – somehow water paves the way for something creative to enter your brain. 4. Dress comfortably so you can sit for long periods without cutting the blood flow to your extremities. Another solution might be to write standing. 5. Eat healthy breakfast to curb your urge for chocolate. 6. Drink! I live in the desert and we recommend water or iced tea all day until o-wine-thirty, then anything goes! 7. Read latest book on how to write and publish fast and easy. 8. Get out purple pen. 9. Make cuppa tea. 10. Meditate or pray for a muse of fire (a la Wm. Shakespeare). OR ***Skip all of the above and go for the interesting character who has an impossible goal, strong motivation, and plenty of conflicts. Start writing and do not stop until the cows come home with a fine story. Did I say, wine and chocolate helps? (Not your writing, but improves your attitude). I'd also recommend you burn that dang Fast & Easy Book and stock up on chips (or whatever your Right Brain craves). One more thing - Laugh a lot! I wrote my latest novella, MYSTIQUE, after a visit with my kids in Connecticut. None of the above applied – except the characters and that weirdly elusive muse of fire. Alrighty then, there you have it. My Faux Rules for getting it done in a nutshell! Everybody's got an opinion these days. What's yours? I'm open to suggestions, especially if it's Fast & Easy! Mystique, only $1.29 at these eBook locations- Link Amazon- Link Smashwords- |